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About Auspice

Congratulations, you’ve made it!

Life is a long journey, and you’ve reached a milestone,

Where when looking back, you appreciate what you’ve achieved,

With or without regret, you are looking forward to a better self.

However, wealth means not only luxuries, but also responsibilities…

As Havelock Ellis says in his work “The New Spirit”:

In the moral world we are ourselves the light bearers…… For a brief space it is granted to us, if we will, to enlighten the darkness that surrounds our path. As in the ancient torch-race, which seemed to Lucretius to be the symbol of all life, we press forward torch in hand along the course. Soon from behind comes the runner who will outpace us. All our skill lies in giving into his hand the living torch, bright and unflickering, as we ourselves disappear in the darkness.

The “skill” to pass the torch to the next generation still requires diligence and hard work, which you are all familiar with. But there is more you want to do in the journey ahead: enjoy life, take care of your interests, spend more time with family and loved ones, and help those in need…

At Auspice, we partner with our clients to build up legacy and future for their family. Let us be a sincere partner of yours, along your new journey.

“Auspice” ➊ help, support, and protection; ➋ a favorable prophetic sign. [Merriam-Webster]

Auspice Asset Management Pte. Ltd. (“Auspice”) is incorporated in Singapore with Capital Market Services (CMS) license issued by Monetary Authority of Singapore. Auspice provides a holistic solution to global asset management and comprehensive Family Office services to help clients build their family heritage and achieve long-term financial success in an efficient, confidential and compliant manner.

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